Welcome to our Parent Portal!
If you are registering for the first time, you will first create an account as a parent and then add in your dancer(s). You will need to send us a message through the Parent Portal or email us at info@thedancecollabfl.com to let us know which classes your dancer(s) is/are interested in. Once they are in the system, we will add them into their classes, and we will let you know when their schedule is ready to view. To view the schedule, you can login and click on 'students'.
You can enroll in AutoPay, pay via online card payment or set up ACH through the portal. Convenience fees will apply. If you are paying by check or cash in the studio, we will apply that towards your account. Please remember that tuition is due by the 10th. Any accounts past due will have a $20 late fee added on.
Tuition rates and other useful information can be found on our new website www.thedancecollabfl.com
Fall Classes start the week of August 12th!
Please go to www.remind.com and sign up for the TDC Remind for additional communication:
If you need any help with the Parent Portal, please do not hesitate to reach out to us! We look forward to an AMAZING first year with you all!